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Aeroplane Flying Experiences

Spitfire flying experience over Kent

Aeroplane flying is a fantastic outdoor activity where you are free as a bird to climb high in the sky. Your flying experience will depend on what plane you get to fly.

Skills – Strength: 1, Balance: 5, Flexibility: 1, Agility: 1, Coordination: 10
Time needed: travelling time + 1 hour, Cost to try: £50

Some of you may have only flown on commercial airplane flights, or may not have flown at all. Flying an aeroplane is an exhilarating experience. If you want to have the experience of flying an aeroplane without having to learn how to fly an aeroplane, then you can get flying experiences as gifts.

Aeroplane flying experience days involve spending time flying an aeroplane that suits your taste. You could get a biplane flying experience, or perhaps you would prefer to be flying an aeroplane that can do stunts. You can now even get that Top Gun flying experience and sit in a fighter jet plane whilst the pilot takes the plane through its paces. Not for the faint hearted!

If you enjoy your aeroplane flying experience, you may like to progress onto aeroplane flying lessons. Flying an aeroplane can be costly, but you could get paid to do it by joining the Air Force. They will give you full flight training and you will learn to fly in no time at all. Also, you will get to learn to fly a range of fixed wing aircraft.

There are flying schools all over the country, but check them out first and see if there are any flying schools that are recommended.

If you manage to get yourself a high paying job, you could just get your aeroplane flying experience by using an aircraft charter. Chartering an aeroplane means that you get a flight crew to do everything for you while you sit back and enjoy the aeroplane flight.

Go on an Aeroplane Flying Experience

Feel the rush as you take the controls of your light aircraft and soar across the sky. You will receive one-to-one training with a Civil Aviation Authority licensed instructor and will spend approximately 30 minutes in the air. What you learn will depend on your chosen location but all participants receive flying time that counts towards a Private Pilot’s licence.

Types of Aeroplane Flying Experiences

These days you have so many more types of flying experiences on offer.

Here are the different types of flying experiences on offer that you might like to try or buy for Father’s Day.

Virgin Experience Days and Red Letter Days still tend to lead the market in what they offer, although Into the Blue does a good job of keeping up.

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